Books and articles related to Paul Rebillot's “Hero's Journey”
Joseph Campbell publishes The Hero with a Thousand Faces.
Joseph Campbell and Paul Rebillot meet at Esalen Insitute (Big Sur, California).
With Will Schutz and seven other persons, Paul Rebillot sets up Joy Press which publishes Schutz's third book, Elements of Encounter.
Paul Rebillot delivers at Esalen a self-discovery worskhop structured after Joseph Campbell’s monomyth, and calls it The Hero’s Journey.
Paul Rebillot introduces The Hero’s Journey in Europe. This is the first one of annual tours that will meet a renwed success throughout thirty-five years.
Paul Rebillot starts writing a book about the presuppositions, characteristics and dynamics of his approach, which make The Hero’s Journey a unique self-transformative experience.
Joseph Campbell talks about his life and career with friends and colleagues in the biographical film The Hero’s Journey: Joseph Campbell on his life and work. Three years later (in 1990), a book will be published under the same title.
Paul Rebillot launches in Europe the first advanced training cycle of the School of Gestalt and Experiential Teaching.
PBS Chanel releases Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth, a series of talks between Joseph Campbell and journalist Bill Moyers. These talks are published at the same time, under the title Power of Myth.
Paul Rebillot publishes The Hero’s Journey: Ritualizing the Mystery in Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis, edited by Stanislav and Christina Grof.
Paul Rebillot publishes (with Melissa Key) The Call to Adventure: Bringing the Hero’s Journey to Daily Life with a foreword by Stanislav Grof and Christina Grof. This reference book, intended for facilitators, sets out the values, the essential principles and the approach that he has been practising for twenty years already.
Back cover:
“It is the story of the Hero, male or female, an individual who receives a superior call and embarks on a journey of dangerous adventures. After a series of difficult ordeals that often culminate in an experience of death and rebirth, the Hero returns to the culture empowerd, healed, or transformed, and uses the new gifts for the benefits of others (from the foreword by Stanislav Grof).
Influenced by his study of Gestalt therapy, the performing arts, and his association with renowned mythologist Joseph Campbell, Paul Rebillot has created a dynamic new rite of passage for anyone experiencing personal challenge or a life transition. In The Call to Adventure, Rebillot explains why personal crisis can actually be a form of spiritual calling. Sharing intimate details about his own stromy serach for meaning, which took him dangerously close to the edge and propmpted his exploration into the healing process, Rebillot shows how, through the process of ritual, a spiritual emergency can be transformed into a rewarding and powerful experience.”
The Call to Adventure is translated and published in German under the title Die Heldenreise.
Publication of Process in the Arts Therapies edited by Ann Cattanach, including a chapter by Steve Mitchell regarding Paul Rebillot’s approach, under the title Reflections on dramatherapy as initiation through ritual theatre.
1999 / 2001 / 2006
Paul Rebillot contributes to the Second International Congress for Psychotherapy in Vienna in July 1999, to be later published under the title The Healing Power of Myth in Dramatherapy, Autumn 2001; and, in 2006 and 2010, in Inside Out, Journal of the Irish association of humanistic & integrative psychotherapy).
Publication of Ritual Theatre edited by Claire Scrader, including a chapter by Steve Mitchell dedicated to Paul Rebillot’s approach, under the title Paul Rebillot’s Modern Day Rites of Passage.
Second edition of Rebillot's The Call to Adventure under the title The Hero's Journey.
The Call to Adventure is translated and published in Italian under the title Il viaggio dell'eroe.